We will discuss the top 3 useful Linux network commands in this article.
These commands are quite useful in debugging network issues in systems and also
To get a better understanding of the networking systems you are working with.
Let's begin without further ado.
As first in the list ip command . IP is a popular tool for viewing and manipulating network objects on your Linux system, such as IP addresses, routes, and ARP tables. This tool can be used to configure a network as well as to troubleshoot network problems.
ip address command allows you to lis all network interfacern in your systsm.
Show network statistics like received / transmitted bytes by network interface.
ip -s -h l show dev <interface name>
Argument breakdown
-s display networking statistics
-h display in human readable format
l show dev show for speficied network interface
The netstat command-line network utility displays network connections, routing tables, and a number of statistics related to network protocols and network interfaces.
Since I have a fresh Ubuntu installation it does not come with netstat so we need to install , and suggested by apt for our conveenicance.
Run the following commands to install netstat.
sudo apt update
sudo apt install net-tools
You can use netstat to check open ports in your system.
netstat -lnptu
Argument breakdown
l listning services
p process name
t tcp
u udp
n dont resolve port name
In the below output we can see open tcp and udp ports with their respective program name / pid.
Here you can see ssh port open in port 22 which we are using yo connect to this very instance.
We need sudo permission to list program name / pid .
The dig command-line tool is an administrative tool that allows you to query the Domain Name System using the command line. The dig tool can be useful for both troubleshooting network problems and for debugging activities.
We can use the below command to query DNS and get an answer for that domain name.
dig codehirise.com
Here we can get ip resolved for the domain name , and also query cache time as 300 seconds and also record type as A record.
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